Bethlehem Foundation
Codding Foundation
Community Foundation of Sonoma County
Exchange Bank
Julia Grant
Sierra Garden
Sisters of St. Joseph Healthcare Foundation
Spring Lake Village
Vintners Foundation

Boudin Bakery
Cruisin North Car Club, Inc
Dutch Bros.
Farm to Pantry
Food Maxx
Goguette Bread
Grocery Outlet
Harvest for the Hungry Garden
Redwood Empire Food Bank
Sierra Garden
Sprint Copy Center in Sebastopol
Stony Point Garden
Target in Rohnert Park
Target in Santa Rosa
Trader Joe’s
Whole Foods

Bethlehem Lutheran.
Bethlehem WELCA.
First Presbyterian.
First Congregational Church (Humbolt Street)
First United Methodist Church (where F.I.S.H. of Santa Rosa began 50 years ago!)
Oakmont Community Church.
Presbyterian Church of the Roses.
Thanksgiving Lutheran.
Unitarian Universalist Congregation
United Church of Christ.
United Methodist Women.
Unity Church of Santa Rosa

We also want to recognize all our individual donors…
too many to list here, but very much appreciated!


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